


Investment Details

Common Stock

Investment Details


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Bonus Shares




Bonus Shares




Bonus Shares




Bonus Shares

Bonus shares will NOT be displayed at checkout – but will be received on final issuance of the stock. I consent to receiving reports, promotional emails and other commercial electronic messages from Rewmo AI or from other service providers on behalf of Rewmo AI.


Why invest in startups?

F&F Raise Friends & Family to invest in startups and early-growth companies. This is different from helping a company raise money on Kickstarter; next Rewmo will be filing for a Regulation CF Offerings, you aren’t buying products or merchandise – you are buying a piece of a company and helping it grow.v

How much can I invest?

Accredited investors can invest as much as they want. But if you are NOT an accredited investor, your investment limit depends on either your annual income or net worth, whichever is greater. If the number is less than $124,000, you can only invest 5% of it. If both are greater than $124,000 then your investment limit is 10%.

How do I calculate my net worth?

To calculate your net worth, just add up all of your assets and subtract all of your liabilities (excluding the value of the person’s primary residence). The resulting sum is your net worth.

What are the tax implications of an equity F&F investment?

We cannot give tax advice, and we encourage you to talk with your accountant or tax advisor before making an investment.

Who can invest in a Regulation CF Offering?

Individuals over 18 years of age can invest.

When will I get my investment back?

he Common Stock (the “Shares”) of Rewmo Corporation. (the “Company”) are not publicly-traded. As a result, the shares cannot be easily traded or sold. As an investor in a private company, you typically look to receive a return on your investment under the following scenarios: The Company gets acquired by another company. The Company goes public (makes an initial public offering). In those instances, you receive your pro-rata share of the distributions that occur, in the case of acquisition, or you can sell your shares on an exchange. These are both considered long-term exits, taking approximately 5-10 years (and often longer) to see the possibility for an exit. It can sometimes take years to build companies. Sometimes there will not be any return, as a result of business failure.

Our Team believes “No Risk, No Reward”.

Can I sell my shares?

Shares sold via F&F offerings have a one-year lockup period before those shares can be sold under certain conditions.

Exceptions to limitations on selling shares during the one-year lockup period:

In the event of death, divorce, or similar circumstance, shares can be transferred to:

  • The company that issued the securities
  • An accredited investor
  • A family member (child, stepchild, grandchild, parent, stepparent, grandparent, spouse or equivalent, sibling, mother-in-law, father-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, or sister-in-law, including adoptive relationships)

What happens if a company does not reach their funding target?

If a company does not reach their minimum funding target, all funds will be returned to the investors after the close of the offering. For example, if the Minimum funding target is $100,000 and Full Funding target is $35,000,000, the company raises $25,000,000 the company will go ahead and issue the shares. If it reaches less than $100,000 it will refund.

How can I learn more about a company's offering?

All available disclosure information can be found on the offering pages for our F&F offering.

What if I change my mind about investing?

You can cancel your investment at any time, for any reason, until 48 hours prior to a closing occurring. If you’ve already funded your investment and your funds are in escrow, your funds will be promptly refunded to you upon cancellation. To submit a request to cancel your investment please email [email protected] <Make the email into an img to avoid spamming>

How do I keep up with how the company is doing?

At a minimum, the company will be emailing regular updates and also making Press Releases. After we proceed with Regulation CF, we will be posting at SEC website.

What’s your share price?

$1.00 per share as of today.

What is the minimum investment size?



What is the minimum investment size?


What kind of shares are you issuing?


What is the current valuation of the company?


Why Should I Invest?

Investing in Rewmo is a strategic opportunity due to its pioneering role in turning everyday payments into Rewards and Cash for Americans. Read More 

How Will Rewmo Make Money?

Rewmo has multiple streams to generate revenues from Partners fees, Advertising and Commissions when our customers purchase or use partner services.

How Do I Know People Will Buy This Solution?

Currently, Americans pay trillions in loan installments, rent, and other everyday expenses without receiving any rewards or cash back. Saving money for a downpayment for a dream home is necoming difficult day by day, so if we can help even One family to achieve that dream we will feel we have accmploshed our life mission. RewMo is set to disrupt this landscape. Based on our interactions with partners and prospective customers, there is unanimous agreement that this will be a phenomenal success. We share this confidence and are excited to bring these benefits to our users.

Are There More Opportunities Ahead?

For every Yahoo Search, there is a Google. For every Google Search, there is a ChatGPT. So staying ahead of competition and thinking out of the box is necessary. In short there will be companies who will copy our ideas, but we will keep innovating.

How do I get a return on my investment?

Investing in startups is risky and there is no guarantee you will get a return on your investment. However, an exit opens up the opportunity where you could convert your shares into cash or a more liquid asset. Exits include going public, getting acquired by a larger company, or our company buying back shares. If the value of our company grows, then you have a higher potential of making a profit on your investment during one of these exits.

You are investing in a pre-revenue company. Success will be measured in progress towards revenue. Future liquidation events could include acquisition or an IPO.

Everyone has this question, imagine you were Peter Thiel who invested in Facebook, Elon Musk who invested all his savings into SpaceX / Tesla or NVIDIA shareholder who had shares worth few thousand and now worth Millions / Billions. Where there is risk, there is reward.

When will I receive my shares?

Shares will be rewarded after the investment funds clear. This typically takes around 4 weeks after investment.

How can I Invest?

After you submit your form, our IR team will email you with bank details, you can send your payment through ACH with no fees.

Will you be paying out dividends to investors?

No. After IPO based on performance.

*Based on recent data, the average American household spends a substantial amount on rent, loans, and other payments that typically do not generate reward points. Here’s a breakdown:

  1. Housing Costs: The average annual expenditure on housing, which includes rent or mortgage payments, property taxes, maintenance, and insurance, is approximately $21,409 per year(ValuePenguin).
  2. Utilities and Household Operations: Households spend an additional $8,808 annually on utilities and household operations such as electricity, water, phone services, and maintenance(ValuePenguin).
  3. Transportation Costs: Transportation expenses, including vehicle purchases, gas, insurance, and maintenance, amount to about $9,826 per year(ValuePenguin).
  4. Loans: Average American households also incur significant expenses on various loans, including student loans, car loans, and personal loans. While specific figures for loan payments vary widely, they represent a significant portion of annual expenditures.

Equity crowdfunding investments in private placements, and start-up investments in particular, are speculative and involve a high degree of risk and those investors who cannot afford to lose their entire investment should not invest in start-ups. Companies seeking startup investment through equity crowdfunding tend to be in earlier stages of development and their business model, products and services may not yet be fully developed, operational or tested in the public marketplace. There is no guarantee that the stated valuation and other terms are accurate or in agreement with the market or industry valuations. Further, investors may receive illiquid and/or restricted stock that may be subject to holding period requirements and/or liquidity concerns.

This website contains forward-looking statements. These statements may include the words “believe”, “expect”, “anticipate”, “intend”, “plan”, “estimate”, “project”, “will”, “may”, “targeting” and similar expressions as well as statements other than statements of historical facts including, without limitation, those regarding the financial position, business strategy, plans, targets and objectives of the management of Rewmo   Corporation (the “Company”) for future operations (including development plans and objectives). Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors which may affect the Company’s ability to implement and achieve the economic and monetary policies, budgetary plans, fiscal guidelines and other development benchmarks set out in such forward-looking statements and which may cause actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are based on numerous assumptions regarding the Company’s present and future policies and plans and the environment in which the Company will operate in the future. Furthermore, certain forward-looking statements are based on assumptions or future events which may not prove to be accurate, and no reliance whatsoever should be placed on any forward-looking statements in this presentation. The forward-looking statements in this website speak only as of the date of the Company’s accompanying Form C, and the Company expressly disclaims to the fullest extent permitted by law any obligation or undertaking to disseminate any updates or revisions to any forward-looking statements contained herein to reflect any change in expectations with regard thereto or any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statements are based.

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